Common Problems


Smiling Wide Orthodontics

An orthodontic problem is called a malocclusion, meaning bad bite. Some of the causes of malocclusion are crowded teeth, extra teeth, missing teeth or jaws that are out of alignment. Most malocclusions are inherited, although some can be acquired. Acquired malocclusions can be caused by accidents, early or late loss of baby teeth, or sucking of the thumb, fingers or tongue for a prolonged period of time.


Treatment to resolve these conditions can take between 6–30 months depending on the patient's age and severity of the problem. Orthodontic treatment can be undertaken at any age. Issues that you or your child may be facing include:

  • Crowding
  • Spacing
  • Impacted teeth
  • Crossbites
  • Protruding teeth
  • Deep bite
  • Underbite
  • Missing teeth

Contact our professionals at Smiling Wide Orthodontics today for your complimentary consultation. Take the first step towards perfecting your smile at our Bundaberg, Maryborough or Hervey Bay clinic!


If you have an improper bite, one reason for it could be crowding.


This is a very common orthodontic case where the jaw lacks space for the all the teeth to fit normally. In this case, the teeth may become twisted or may be out of their correct position.


This problem should be corrected as it will affect your smile. It can also affect the function of your teeth. As the teeth are misaligned, out of position or twisted, cleaning may be hard, which makes them susceptible to gum disease and even tooth decay.


At Smiling Wide Orthodontics, we have the necessary knowledge, equipment and treatments for this kind of orthodontic problem. Here, we can expand the arches to fit the entire teeth and get the misaligned tooth to its proper position or we can remove teeth in order to make room for the other teeth. We can use braces, removable appliances or clear plastic aligners and we will guide you on which one is the best for you in terms of getting the best results.

Feel free to contact us for your complimentary initial consultation to find out more about any of our orthodontic treatments and how they can be used to resolve issues like crowding.


One of the most common forms of dental issues is spacing. It can occur if teeth have not erupted properly, teeth are missing or are in the wrong place. Imperfections in tooth positioning can lead to spacing issues in the future.


One of the most common forms of dental issues is spacing. It can occur if teeth have not erupted properly, teeth are missing or are in the wrong place. Imperfections in tooth positioning can lead to spacing issues in the future.


It is important for you to get this problem corrected as it will make your smile less attractive and can even make you look older. Your teeth may not function correctly, which leads to teeth deterioration and decay. With spacing you may even be susceptible to gum disease or periodontal disease.


Smiling Wide Orthodontics has the necessary equipment, knowledge and treatment plans to treat this kind of orthodontic problem. With braces, removable appliances or Invisalign, we can move the teeth and get rid of the gap between the teeth producing a much more attractive smile.

Feel free to contact us for your complimentary initial consultation to find out more about any of our orthodontic treatments and how they can be used to resolve issues like spacing.

Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth can cause more functional and health problems than aesthetic problems. Other people may not even know you have impacted teeth but the pain and pressure they cause mean you need treatment.


Impacted teeth are very common. Impaction occurs when the tooth fails to erupt or when it erupts in an improper position. Caused by improper positioning of the tooth bud, this can be very painful and can result in the resorption of adjacent teeth.

The most commonly impacted teeth requiring orthodontic alignment are the canine teeth. However, there are some instances where lateral incisor and premolar teeth may be impacted as well. Wisdom teeth are also quite often impacted – the most common treatment for the impacted wisdom teeth is surgical removal.


It is important for you to correct this problem as it can cause damage to the teeth beside it. It can also leave unwanted spaces and make your smile less attractive. In addition, impacted teeth force the teeth to function improperly which can have a direct effect on your overall dental health and well-being.


Here at Smiling Wide Orthodontics, you will be referred to an oral surgeon to uncover the tooth. Then we will use braces to guide the impacted tooth to its correct position. This may take several months to achieve but you do get to keep the tooth and prevent extraction. There are some cases where extraction may be the only option for impacted teeth. The earlier you are seen, the better the results for impacted teeth.

Feel free to contact us for your complimentary consultation to find out more about any of our orthodontic treatments and how they can be used to resolve issues like impacted teeth.


A crossbite is another orthodontic condition which you should get treated, to correct the alignment and bite of your teeth. A crossbite can significantly affect the appearance of your smile.


A crossbite is a condition where your upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. This may occur in front of your mouth and/or on one or both sides of your mouth.


It is very important that you should get this condition treated as it can cause excessive wear to your teeth. As the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth, the function of your teeth will be poor especially when chewing food. In addition, crossbites can also affect jaw development and movement, sometimes leading to jaw asymmetry. Your smile can also be affected by this condition.


At Smiling Wide Orthodontics, removable appliances are commonly used to solve this orthodontic problem at an early age. At later ages, we also correct crossbites with fixed functional appliances and braces. Through these treatments, we can move the teeth to the best possible position.

Feel free to contact us for your complimentary consultation to find out more about any of our orthodontic treatments and how they can be used to resolve issues like crossbites.

Protruding Teeth

Protruding teeth—often called buck teeth—are an orthodontic condition that can affect the appearance of your smile and can cause teeth to wear unevenly.


Protruding teeth occur when the position of the upper jaw is in front of the lower jaw. This causes the upper front teeth to protrude obviously in front of the lower. In severe cases they can even sit far enough forward that the lower lip sits behind them.


This orthodontic issue has the potential to cause accidental damage and uneven wear on other teeth. Protruding teeth often cause issues with smiles and are prone to accidental damage due to their excessive exposure. In extreme cases, lower teeth can overgrow and damage the gum behind the top front teeth.


At Smiling Wide Orthodontics, we can make use of braces to align, level and coordinate both arches. For younger and growing patients, we will use headgear and appliances. If necessary, we can discuss jaw surgery—only for severe cases.

For a complimentary initial consultation and advice about dealing with protruding teeth, contact Smiling Wide Orthodontics.

Deep Bite

A deep bite is a severe orthodontic condition which you should get treated to correct the alignment and bite of your teeth. A deep bite can significantly impact the appearance of your smile.


A deep bite is a condition where your upper front teeth bite too deeply over the lower front teeth. This can be caused by a large top jaw, missing lower teeth, a small lower jaw or tight oral muscular patterns.


It is very important that you should get this condition treated as it can cause excessive wear to your teeth. The top edge of the lower teeth will often wear very early and extensively. As the upper teeth bite totally over the lower teeth, the function of your teeth will be poor, especially when chewing food. With time, the gum behind the upper teeth and in front of the lower teeth can be chewed away. In addition, deep bites can also affect lower jaw development and movement. Your smile can also be affected by this condition, as the upper teeth can wear on their chewing surfaces, over time.


At Smiling Wide Orthodontics, deep bites are usually corrected with braces, as upper and lower teeth often require a large amount of force to correct their poor angulation. If the problem has a small lower jaw component, a fixed functional appliance may also be used together with braces. At an early age, really severe deep bites may be treated with a removable appliance to reduce the wear on the teeth. Through these treatments, we can move the teeth to the best possible position.

Feel free to contact us for your complimentary initial consultation to find out more about any of our orthodontic treatments and how they can be used to help resolve issues like deep bites.


An underbite is another orthodontic condition which you should get treated to correct the alignment and bite of your teeth. An underbite can significantly impact the appearance of your smile.


An underbite is a condition where your upper front teeth bite inside the lower front teeth. This can be caused by a small top jaw, missing or extracted upper teeth, or an enlarged lower jaw.


It is very important that you should get this condition treated as it can cause excessive wear to your teeth. As the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth, the function of your teeth will be poor especially when chewing food. In addition, underbites can also affect jaw development and movement. Your smile can also be affected by this condition, as the upper teeth can wear on their front surfaces, over time.


At Smiling Wide Orthodontics, removable appliances are commonly used to solve this orthodontic problem at an early age. At later ages, we also correct underbites with braces. For very small top jaws, we sometimes use a reverse face mask to bring the top jaw forward, whilst you sleep. For exceptionally small top jaws, or exceptionally large lower jaws, a combined approach may be required with the help of a maxilla-facial surgeon. Through these treatments, we can move the teeth to the best possible position.

Feel free to contact us for your complimentary consultation to find out more about any of our orthodontic treatments and how they can be used to resolve issues like underbites.

Missing Teeth

About one person in 50 has one or more missing teeth. The most commonly missing teeth are the upper lateral incisors, followed by the lower second premolars. Some people are unfortunate enough to be missing many teeth.


Missing teeth create spacing and are often the cause of adjacent teeth erupting in or drifting to the wrong positions. Sometimes there are gaps between the teeth. On other occasions, an adjacent tooth will impact, as it has lost its eruption guidance from the missing tooth.


It is important for you to get this problem corrected as it will make your smile less attractive and can even make you look older. Your teeth may not function correctly, which leads to teeth deterioration and decay.


Smiling Wide Orthodontics has the necessary equipment, knowledge and treatment plans to help solve this kind of orthodontic problem. With braces, removable appliances or Invisalign, we can move the teeth and get rid of the gap between the teeth producing a much more attractive smile. The spacing can sometimes be closed. Other times, we may need to open the compromised space to establish the correct space for a replacement tooth or an implant.

Feel free to contact us for your complimentary consultation to find out more about any of our orthodontic treatments and how they can be used to resolve issues like spacing.

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